Curriculum Vitae

FoolProofJoint: Reducing Assembly Errors of Laser Cut 3D Models by Means of Custom Joint Patterns
CHI 2022
Keunwoo Park, Conrad Lempert , Muhammad Abdullah, Shohei Katakura, Jotaro Shigeyama, Thijs Roumen, Patrick Baudisch

SGToolkit: An Interactive Gesture Authoring Toolkit for Embodied Conversational Agents
UIST 2021
Youngwoo Yoon*, Keunwoo Park*, Minsu Jang, Jaehong Kim, Geehyuk Lee

AtaTouch: Robust Finger Pinch Detection for a VR Controller Using RF Return Loss
CHI 2021
Honorable Mention Award
Daehwa Kim, Keunwoo Park, Geehyuk Lee

DeepFisheye: Near-Surface Multi-Finger Tracking Technology Using Fisheye Camera
UIST 2020
Keunwoo Park, Sunbum Kim, Youngwoo Yoon, Tae-Kyun Kim, Geehyuk Lee

OddEyeCam: A Sensing Technique for Body-Centric Peephole Interaction using WFoV RGB and NFoV Depth Cameras
UIST 2020
Daehwa Kim, Keunwoo Park, Geehyuk Lee

FS-Pad: Video Game Interactions with a Force Feedback Gamepad
UIST 2020
Youngbo Aram Shim, Keunwoo Park, Sangyoon Lee, Jeongmin Son, Taeyun Woo, Geehyuk Lee

MagTouch: Robust Finger Identification for a Smartwatch Using a Magnet Ring and a Built-in Magnetometer
CHI 2020
Keunwoo Park, Daehwa Kim, Seongkook Heo, Geehyuk Lee

Poke vs. Vibration: Comparing Information Transfer on a 3x3 Watch-back Tactile Display
MobileHCI 2019
Honorable Mention Award
Youngbo Aram Shim, Keunwoo Park, Geehyuk Lee

Designing Touch Gestures Using the Space around the Smartwatch as Continuous Input Space
ISS 2017
Jaehyun Han, Sunggeun Ahn, Keunwoo Park, Geehyuk Lee

Evaluation of Edge-Based Interaction on a Square Smartwatch
IJHCS (International Journal of Human-Computer Studies)
Sunggeun Ahn, Jaeyeon Lee, Keunwoo Park, Geehyuk Lee

FingMag: Finger Identification Method for Smartwatch
CHI 2019 LBW
Keunwoo Park, Geehyuk Lee

Touch180: Finger Identification on Mobile Touchscreen using Fisheye Camera and Convolutional Neural Network
Insu Kim, Keunwoo Park, Youngwoo Yoon, Geehyuk Lee
Other Projects

AllDough: Taste Design Machine For Dough
Digital Design Fabrication Course Project (ID609)
Donghyeon Ko, Bogyeong Kim, Seyeong Kim, Keunwoo Park

Co-bonbon:Experiencing Collaboration With Multi-user Candy Grabber
Youngbo Aram Shim, Sunbum Kim, Sangyoon Lee, Keunwoo Park

Other activities
I make electronic music for fun. If you are interested, please visit my soundcloud.I share what I listen and watch in my notion notes. There are my conference travel schedules too.