Co-bonbon:Experiencing Collaboration With Multi-user Candy Grabber

Co-bonbon:Experiencing Collaboration With Multi-user Candy Grabber

Youngbo Aram Shim, Sunbum Kim, Sangyoon Lee, Keunwoo Park


What is Cobonbon?

We introduce Co-bonbon, a teamwork game that the players collaborate to control the Arduino Braccio, a robot arm, and collect candies in limited time. In Co-bonbon, the robot arm is separated into few parts. The players should control each part of the robot arm by mimicking movements of the part. The players might collaborate by thinking together, moving together and talking together during Co-bonbon game. We hope that children could learn about the importance of the collaboration and adults could be more close with each other by playing Co-bonbon. This work has been done with Youngbo A. Shim, Sunbum Kim, and Sangyoon Lee.

Youngbo and I presented Cobonbon at UIST 2017, and we received People’s Choice Award! award


You can find our poster from this link.
